Just starting out in Muay Thai and Boxing or have not trained for a while? Here are some tips to start training Muay Thai and Boxing safely and injury free. We see many people come into training who have an extensive background in fitness training but have never been shown the basics of striking both correctly and safely.

In this article we will focus here on the main 2 injury prone areas we see potential for beginners to get injuries. That being the hands and feet. When performed correctly both punching and kicking on pads and bags should be a pain free enjoyable experience. We should not leave the gym aching or experiencing structural or soft tissue damage around the wrist and ankle joints or be comprising the structural integrity of the delicate bone structures in our hands and feet.

In fact with correct training technique and by applying the correct procedures to warm up, stretching, joint mobility and cool down we will experience far less aches and pains than had we not trained at all! The good aches are the ones that let us know we have progressively taxed our muscles and nervous system and when the correct rest and recovery is applied we adapt into a stronger, fitter version of you. We will explore this more in future articles.

Firstly it is important when starting out training in Muay Thai, Boxing and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that we start steady. Results come over time. Focus on learning new technique and ENJOYING your training and interaction with the new people you will meet in the gym. Muay Thai, Boxing and BJJ are terrific full body workouts. You will not have to push hard early to reap the benefits.


When we are punching realise that the knuckles of the index finger and middle finger are directly supported by the wrist. When striking correctly power comes firstly from the ground, torque is multiplied through our legs, torso then released into our shoulders and arms. These 2 knuckles are the focus of the power releasing into the target. Always focus on this part of the closed fist being the first point of contact. Hitting with the pinkie and ring finger can lead to injury. Another tip is to keep our hands relaxed until the point of impact. The clenching of our fists while punching will lead to early fatigue and the tension transferred into our arms from clenched fists will have a negative impact on speed as antagonistic (opposite) muscles are engaged and act like hand brakes to the movement.


When Kicking we are focusing on kicking with the shins primarily. The physical size of punching bags, kick shields and even our training partners changing distancing does mean that quite often our foot does come in contact with the target. The important thing to remember is we want to contact the top or upper side of the foot only and to pull the toes back. Many people new to kicking try to kick with the side of the foot as an instinctive response to protecting the toes. When we learn correct technique and kick with rotation in the hips the upper part of the foot will naturally come around to hit the target avoiding injury. Remember protect those toes and get your foot around with the hips.

Thanks for training








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